Genre: Melodrama

Format: 80×40′

Emily and Alexander see their lives intersect, even though they
haven’t met each other nor have a decision about it. The
unfortunate death of Alexander’s son leads this businessman
to follow the designs of the intangible. His son speaks to him in
a dream and asks him not to stop until he meets his eyes in
those of another child. This is how Alexander meets Daniel, and
his mother Emily, a woman from a lower social class who, like
him, is also going through life’s nightmares. Fighting against a
family environment that subdues and judges her. “Beyond Her
Gaze” is a modern, contemporary long running series, with
action and romance, where the desire to pursue a higher ideal
of life while escaping from one’s own prejudice is at stake.

Created by Mario Segade and Guadalupe Yepes

Produced by Guadalupe Yepes